We pointed at the sign. You assembled your wheels. You hit the road. All that's left now is to actually make it to WrestleMania. Here’s hoping you got enough engine parts.
As you know, our celebration of WrestleMania reaches its stunning conclusion this Apr 1 with the release of WrestleMania 38 tier. We’ve also got other stuff popping this spring, including the debut of a brand new cooperative mode.
Let’s get to it.
WrestleMania 38 tier
WM38 tier kicks off on Apr 1. Much like RTWM, this is a new tier featuring 70+ cards to collect. Expect Superstars like Roman Reigns, Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Brock Lesnar, Kevin Owens, Seth Rollins and at least 64 other Superstars.
But, wait, that’s not all — WrestleMania 38 tier will also include fusions, equipment, train ups, and other cards as April and May rolls on.
One of the most frequently asked questions last month was if RTWM tier was THE WrestleMania tier. This news obviously answers that question but we understand the deeper meaning behind your query.
The answer is that the game is evolving and the number of tiers we want to offer is growing. RTWM tier was the first of its kind, designed to crank up the celebration of a big moment in WWE and give you more content to explore and collect.
Plus, one tier is great … but two tiers that seamlessly follow each other? Well, one could argue that they combine to create a WrestleMania-sized event this year.
We’ll continue to monitor your feedback and listen to your thoughts on this one, as we know predictability is as important as the occasional RKO out of nowhere.
Tag Team Takedown
A new limited time mode centered around tag teams is entering the game this May alongside an app update.
Team Team Takedown is a cooperative mode that lets you team up with another player in an effort to take down other SuperCard decks. As you build up wins, you’ll unlock progressively meatier rewards and, hey, maybe make a friend or two along the way.
The setup is pretty simple. When a TTT is active, jump into the mode and enter the matchmaking queue. After being paired with someone, you’ll enter into a standard WILD rules match where both you and your teammate pick cards against another team.
Where TTT departs from standard WILD: each round you win is worth one point and matches continue until one team earns five total points. After a match, you can continue to play with your partner or choose to bounce and claim your rewards.
Rewards are primarily earned on a Milestone basis, meaning rewards don’t stack based on how many matches you win in a row. Instead, rewards increase as you complete match thresholds. To spin it another way – every X Matches completed will allow you to earn rewards.
A couple of other important points about TTT:
Super Moves are deactivated in this event.
Support cards are also deactivated.
TTT uses Alignment decks (Giants Unleashed)
Very importantly: in every match, a random “lead” person is designated and that’s whose cards you and your partner use.
What’s Next
If you crack out ye’ olde SuperCard roadmap, there are a few destinations in the near future that we’re really excited about. For one, SuperPass is getting some much-needed time in the shop. Also, we’re preparing for another Twitch Drops campaign this May since they create such awesome community moments.
We’re also kicking off an ambitious feedback project that will play out over the next few months. We want your opinions on basically all aspects of the game, so please keep an eye out for questions if you’re interested in participating.
Until next time.
– WWE SuperCard