Halloween is almost here and we’ve got an entire month’s worth of frights, tights, and spooky delights planned. The arrival of Chucky to SuperCard kicks it all off, as one of Horror’s favorite dolls lands in a Quest and Reward Mania. Soon after, we’ll be debuting an entirely new kind of fusion card we’ve dubbed “Shapeshifters” to the game. Ever wanted to evolve a Superstar into a creature? Cool. Us, too.
Fusion cards are typically one and done. You assemble whatever ingredients and then you eventually receive a card in return for your efforts. After Training, Pro’ing and Fortifying you’re done – nothing more to do other than, you know, enjoy.
Shapeshifter cards evolve (heh) the formula in a few new ways. Once you create a Shifter card, you can plunge it into the electric-y depths of the Fusion Chamber an additional time to create a stronger version of the card. You can also control what Shifter cards will eventually become by collecting specific ingredients and fusing them together into your Shifter card.
Here’s how it works. Starting on October 10, we’ll be opening up a mind-bending 18 Fusion Chambers dedicated to Shifter cards that house the various recipes you can use to shift your cards. Three new fusion ingredients will also be added across the game. These are Cursed Shells, Full Moons, and Vampire Fangs.
The first Chambers you’ll want to pay attention to will be the two new base Shifter Chambers, labeled “Low Chance” and “High Chance.” These are the Chambers that will start you on your journey with Shifter cards. A third Chamber for S7 cards will also be introduced but more on that later.
High and Low Chance chambers will require the three terrifying fusion ingredients: two Cursed Shells, two Full Moons, and two Vampire Fangs. So, six ingredients total plus a required sacrifice: fodder cards. The difference between the two Chambers are the point requirements and your percentage chance at a Shifter card.

Once you have one of the five possible Shifter cards, which will be BCE tier – be it Brock Lesner, Bron Breakker, Becky Lynch, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, or “The Viper” himself Randy Orton – the fun really starts.
For the first time in Supercard history, you’ll have the opportunity to evolve a card to the tier above it. That’s right – Shifter cards will become something otherworldly and arcane when you evolve them. This is where the remaining 15 Chambers come into play. Three Creature Chambers for each wrestler, and five wrestlers total. You decide what arcane archetype they become: a wild Werewolf, a voracious Vampire, or a strange Sea Creature.
For example, Brock Lesner will have a Vampire chamber, a Werewolf chamber, and a Sea Creature chamber. It’s up to you to decide by allocating the right ingredients and fodder cards to the right Creature Chamber. Whatever your choice, the final evolved Shifter will be an Arcane card with stat boosts based on your choices of final form. Werewolves, for example, have higher PWR. Vampires have more SPD. And Sea Creatures CHA.
If you find yourself low on ingredients, don’t fret. There will be repeatable quests to earn ingredients from, or you can trick-or-treat on the draft board until Nov 1.

To summarize, two of the three “base” Shifter chambers, “Low Chance” and “High Chance,” give you a shot at a BCE Shifter card. Once you have a “base” BCE Shifter card, put that Shifter in one of three Creature Chambers depending on what kind of creature-monster you want it to become. Once it's done cooking you’ll have a guaranteed Arcane Vampire, Sea Creature, or Werewolf on your hands.
So, five Shifter cards with three Chambers each plus the three Chambers we already talked about equals 18 chambers total. Who knew math could be so fun and rewarding?
And The Rest
The debut of Shifter cards will be complemented with the re-introduction of our Halloween and Day of the Dead cards from last Season. You’ll be able to get these from the draft board and in the previously mentioned S7 Halloween Chamber until Nov 1.
Before all that fusion stuff starts, a reminder that Watch Party makes it debut in-game on 10/6. Be sure to lock-in your predictions before the Extreme Rules PLE starts on 10/8 to get a shot at those sweet rewards.
The frenzy that is Shifter fusions ends on November 1 but not before we release a special edition Arcane Halloween card on October 24. Then, on Dia de los Muertos, Raquel Rodriguez premieres as the Day of the Dead card. Look for Raquel in Keep It Going, a Quest, packs, and possibly other places.
That’s the scariest month in WWESC. Don’t forget follow-us in socials, or we’ll add even more chambers to the game, bWahaha! Good luck and shape-shift away!
– WWE SuperCard