H-hey, boys and girls! It’s me, the big guy in red, jolly ol’ Santa Claus! Ho, ho, ho! Have you all been on your best behavior this year? It’s been a doozy of a year, and all of the elves and I have been– OK, looks like they’re gone. You have to listen to me, I don’t have much time. Last week, four huge nutcrackers dressed as beloved WWE Superstars broke into the workshop and started tossing the elves all over the place like stockings full of old coal. One of ‘em hit Rudolph with a piledriver! It was ho-ho-horrifying.
Now they’ve got me trapped here in some kind of big, festive box and they won’t let me leave to deliver presents to all the good SuperCard players across the land. I don’t know what they want or who sent them, but one thing is clear; these wooden Superstars do not have the holiday spirit. You have to get me outta here!
Luckily for us, they gave me a laptop. I told them I had to email a cookie recipe to the elves. They’re not especially bright, these nutcrackers, b-but that doesn’t mean they’re not strong!
I should have enough time to tell you how to defeat them, so listen up, quick!
To save me, you’ll need to defeat four bosses; those’ll be the four hooligans who kidnapped me. I’m sure they won’t send the strongest one after you first. He was….much larger than the others. In fact, I would imagine they’ll send the least powerful one to stop you first, and then the next most powerful, and so on, almost like boss battles. What, you didn’t think Santa would know what a Boss Battle is? Santa may be 1,000 years old, but Santa’s a gamer.
In each battle, you’ll select 5 of your cards. Each card will use only one stat (Pow, Tgh, Cha, or Spd) to battle. The stats that aren’t used to attack will be combined to make up that card’s health stat. Make sure to pick your mightiest Superstars, we don’t have time to waste. Once the battle begins, your cards will begin to chip away at the boss’ health on their own, no need to intervene. The battle will end once either all of your cards’ health is depleted, or the boss’ is. Each of these nutcrackers looks pretty sturdy, so it might take you multiple battles to take them out. After each of these wretched beasts are defeated, you’ll be able to move on to the next one, and then the one after that, until you reach the big guy. Be careful, though– each boss has their own special fighting style. One can go into a rage that causes extra damage, and another can blast multiple cards at once with rainbow powers…I even saw one of them shoot frigid ice from his mouth. Not very jolly at all.

Oh, I nearly forgot– I heard them whispering about a special set of cards that will deal extra damage to them, kind of like a weakness of Christmas past, the Scrooges that they are. I didn’t hear everything, but they mentioned something about… “Legacy” and “Holiday” cards. If you can find any cards like that to bring to battle, I would ho-ho-highly recommend it. It sounds like there’s a special set of cards that will become available to help you out.
Oh dear, I can hear them getting closer, and they’ve got some nice holiday ribbons! That can’t be good. One more thing– you’ll need Snowflake Tokens to start each fight, or else you’ll never get their attention. You can find those in free packs on wwesupercard.com and in the store, I’d imagine. Santa has a sense for these things.
Good luck, brave players, and please hurry! There are some mighty powerful cards waiting for you in Santa’s bag if you can save me, so don’t dawdle! Grab your best cards and SAVE SANTA!
Oh, Nevermind
They walked right by me. I’m safe for now. I guess that means I can tell you about the other holiday delights coming to WWE SuperCard, if you like. There’s a bunch of inside info on this laptop, so, why not, right? Santa can be naughty sometimes, too!
Says here that there’s a new interactive pack called Gift Giver coming down the chimney—the sound of that fills Santa’s heart with glee! With this interactive pack available for purchase, you can send all sorts of different gifts containing all sorts of different rewards to your friends. What a joy! ‘Tis the season, after all!
Next, I see that there’s a new BattlePass on the way as well, how exciting! Instead of a dedicated BattlePass card, this time you’ll receive random Holiday Crucible Cards! Santa loves Crucibles! In addition to that, the upcoming BattlePass will contain some of the special Holiday Superstar cards that will help you get me out of this mess, as well as more Snowflake tokens.
Ho ho oh no, they’re coming back again! Keep an eye out for more exciting holiday events all through the season and for goodness’ sake, HELP ME!
- Santa Claus